another lost...
Dan gak berapa lama setelah kehilangan pria-pria ini.... this guy's also leaving as well..!
Anyway, good luck in your new journey @bionikruly. Hopefully will bring new happiness as well!
Selama kerja di beberapa tempat (2 kali di radio, 1 kali di stasiun TV, dan sekarang di FMCG company), gw merasa beruntung karena mostly berada di lingkungan kerja yang menyenangkan. Menyenangkan dalam arti :
- Temen-temen yang cukup oke
- Pekerjaan yang gw suka
I believe semua orang pasti pernah mengalami lowest point in their worklife. Either did I. Tapi berada di lingkungan (baca: temen-temen) yang cukup oke bisa mem boost motivasi buat ke kantor. At least tiap kali males ngantor masih ada pemikiran, "Kegilaan apa lagi hari ini sama anak-anak ya?", atau "Makan siang di mana hari ini yang bisa bebas ketawa-ketiwi sambil ngomongin bos ya?"
And then, when my friends are leaving, I should think of another excitement every time I'm going to the office. Despite the money that I do really need, indeed I love my job and the upcoming excitements in my job as marketer, but still, there should be another significant reasons for me to go to the office every day.
@ReneCC keep saying: "Your job is not your career!", or "You have to find the purposes, values, and passion and in your job!".
That's what I'm currently doing. I don't wanna be zombie; going to the office because I have to go with flat face, less motivation, and spreading negative mood to the surrounding. No. No. No. I should built the mindset on and on in my mind.
Blah. Kok jadi keminggris gini?
Anyway, selamat berpuasa beautiful Bloggahs!
(kok kayak 4LaY yak, pantesan si @bionikruly ini selalu bilang gw "abege bandung" hihihi)
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