
by - 1:38 PM


Nicole Rogers, director of sales at the San Francisco Marriott, had one child in her 20s, three in her 30s, and one at 41. If she had to choose, she would pick the 30s as the ideal childbearing decade.

"Your career is launched, you still look and feel great, and you have the energy to keep up with your kids," she says. "You're more relaxed about being a parent than you were in your 20s, so you can have more fun, and you aren't as tired as you are in your 40s. You think you can do it all, and in your 30s, you almost can."


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Hey #ttcfighter , never give up!


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6 komentar

  1. semangaaat mbak deci canciiiiiiik :D :D

    1. aiiih makasiih jeng santiii.. kamyu juga harus loohh!! :DD

  2. Mbak desiiii... ini anet lhooo.. omg, lg browsing2 info sesama ttc malah nemu blog mbak sepupu sendiri.. haha.. ttp semangat ya mbak.. i feel u! Smga 2016 timang baby sama2.. aamiiinnn...

  3. Ya ampun Aneeet.. pa kabaaarr?? Kenapa ketemunya di sini yaah hihihi..

    Iyaa, semangat terus yaah Net! Amin amiin doanya... Kamu pun yaah... Salam buat bude yaa hihihi *awkward banget nih ngobrol ginian di comment blogpost*
